Cures breast
cancer with natural remedies
In addition to chemotherapy and surgery to consume herbal plants can be the best alternative to prevent and treat breast cancer.
Do you know ? that the earth has a plant that can be used as a breast cancer drug.
This is certainly a benefit and a glimmer of hope for those of you who are currently getting the exam suffered from one deadly and terrible disease of breast cancer.
Where there are various kinds of herbs that can be used and used as a traditional medicine for breast cancer.
Well, talking about herbal medicine plant breast cancer that can be used as the following alternative treatment we will provide the information for you.
Just take your time 10 minutes then you can get the answer, please be listened!
Before further discussing about what herbs can be used as a breast cancer drug, here we provide brief information about breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Symptoms And Causes
Breast cancer is a condition where the presence of unnatural cell growth resulting in the growth of uncontrolled cells in the breast tissue (abnormal).
Unfortunately, these abnormal developments can spread to other parts of the body or in the medical world called metastasis which can worsen the condition so that it can threaten the sufferer.
From the data released by WHO the development and number of breast cancer patients in Indonesia is higher when compared with neighboring Malaysia.
Where out of the 100,000 population in Indonesia there are about 40 cases of people suffering from breast cancer, where women who suffer from it still young.
Of the few cases that occur a person suffering from breast cancer new treatment after the disease of breast cancer that reaches advanced stage.
Though breast cancer who get treatment and serious treatment at the beginning of growth has a percentage of higher recovery.
In addition breast cancer is one type of disease that can be prevented, for it is very important for you the women recognize the symptoms of breast cancer.
Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer
One indication or early symptoms of breast cancer that is easily recognized is the emergence of a lump in the breast.
However, not all lumps in the breast is cancer considering there are some other medical conditions that can cause it.
Even 9 out of 10 lumps that appear not due to cancer.
Here are some of the causes of lumps in non breast cancer, namely:
1. Fibroadenoma (FAM)
2. Fibrosistik
3. Breast Cysts
4. Intraductal papilloma
5. Fat traumatic necrosis
here it is very important for you women to be able to tell which cancer lumps and not.
And here are some indications or characteristics of breast cancer lumps, namely:
1. There is a lump or thickening in the breast or near the breast as in the armpit that remains felt after the menstrual period is complete. The lump can not be shifted to the left right when touched.
2. There are areas that clearly feel or look different on one or both parts of the breast.
3. Changes in shape, size, and contour of the breast.
4. Changes in the skin of the breast or on the nipple, such as redness, concave, wrinkles, signs of inflammation, or scaly.
5. there is clear or bleeding fluid from the breast
6. Breasts or underarm pain continuously.
Immediately see a doctor to get a serious treatment if the condition you feel or find in people closest to you.
This is an indication or symptoms of breast cancer lumps, especially if you have a family history of breast cancer.
Given one cause of the onset of breast cancer is a genetic factor or heredity.
In addition to genetic factors, there are several other factors that cause breast cancer obesity, habitual consumption of alcohol, hormone therapy, exposure to estrogen exposure to radiation.
Breast Cancer Dysnosis
When someone induces breast cancer then there are some things or a series of medical examinations are usually done by doctors, namely:
1. Mammography. Mammography examination is commonly used to detect the presence of cancer
2. Ultrasound. This type of examination is used to ascertain whether the lump in the breast is solid or fluid-filled
3. Biopsy. This examination includes the process of sampling breast cells and test it to determine whether the cells are cancerous. Through this procedure, biopsy samples will also be investigated to determine the type of breast cells affected by cancer, its malignancy and its reaction to hormones.
If the results of a series of medical examinations showed positive breast cancer, then the doctor will perform further examination to determine the extent of breast cancer suffered.
The follow-up examination includes the following:
1. MRI and CT scan.
2. Chest x-rays.
3. Examination of bone to check whether the cancer has spread to the bone.
4. Biopsy of lymph nodes (lymph glands) in the armpit. If cancer spreads, the first lymph nodes to be infected are lymph nodes sentinel.Location varies so it needs to be identified with a combination of radioactive isotopes and blue ink.
A series of tests can determine the extent of breast cancer is whether severe or not and has spread or not (stage).
Here is the classification of malignancy or stage of breast cancer, namely:
1. Stage 1: The tumor size is less than 2 cm. The tumor does not spread to the lymph nodes in the armpits and there are no signs of spread of cancer to other parts of the body.
2. Stage 2: Tumor size 2-5 cm or no spread to lymph nodes, or both. There are no signs that the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
3. Stage 3: Tumor size 2-5 cm. The tumor may be attached to the skin or tissue around the breast. The lymph nodes in the armpit are infected, but there are no signs that the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
4. Stage 4: Tumors of all sizes and already spread to other parts of the body (metastasis).
After doctors know the extent to which breast cancer disease suffered then will perform a variety of treatment diantarnyan measures are: radiation therapy, chemotherapy surgery surgery.
All the treatment is clearly not easy and cheap and can cause various other health disorders
Traditional Breast Cancer Drugs
(Best Solution to Overcome Breast Cancer Without Surgery)
In addition to chemotherapy and surgery to consume herbal plants can be the best alternative to prevent and treat breast cancer.
Do you know ? that the earth has a plant that can be used as a breast cancer drug.
This is certainly a benefit and a glimmer of hope for those of you who are currently getting the exam suffered from one deadly and terrible disease of breast cancer.
Where there are various kinds of herbs that can be used and used as a traditional medicine for breast cancer.
Well, talking about herbal medicine plant breast cancer that can be used as the following alternative treatment we will provide the information for you.
Just take your time 10 minutes then you can get the answer, please be listened!
Before further discussing about what herbs can be used as a breast cancer drug, here we provide brief information about breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Symptoms And Causes
Breast cancer is a condition where the presence of unnatural cell growth resulting in the growth of uncontrolled cells in the breast tissue (abnormal).
Unfortunately, these abnormal developments can spread to other parts of the body or in the medical world called metastasis which can worsen the condition so that it can threaten the sufferer.
From the data released by WHO the development and number of breast cancer patients in Indonesia is higher when compared with neighboring Malaysia.
Where out of the 100,000 population in Indonesia there are about 40 cases of people suffering from breast cancer, where women who suffer from it still young.
Of the few cases that occur a person suffering from breast cancer new treatment after the disease of breast cancer that reaches advanced stage.
Though breast cancer who get treatment and serious treatment at the beginning of growth has a percentage of higher recovery.
In addition breast cancer is one type of disease that can be prevented, for it is very important for you the women recognize the symptoms of breast cancer.
Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer
One indication or early symptoms of breast cancer that is easily recognized is the emergence of a lump in the breast.
However, not all lumps in the breast is cancer considering there are some other medical conditions that can cause it.
Even 9 out of 10 lumps that appear not due to cancer.
Here are some of the causes of lumps in non breast cancer, namely:
1. Fibroadenoma (FAM)
2. Fibrosistik
3. Breast Cysts
4. Intraductal papilloma
5. Fat traumatic necrosis
here it is very important for you women to be able to tell which cancer lumps and not.
And here are some indications or characteristics of breast cancer lumps, namely:
1. There is a lump or thickening in the breast or near the breast as in the armpit that remains felt after the menstrual period is complete. The lump can not be shifted to the left right when touched.
2. There are areas that clearly feel or look different on one or both parts of the breast.
3. Changes in shape, size, and contour of the breast.
4. Changes in the skin of the breast or on the nipple, such as redness, concave, wrinkles, signs of inflammation, or scaly.
5. there is clear or bleeding fluid from the breast
6. Breasts or underarm pain continuously.
Immediately see a doctor to get a serious treatment if the condition you feel or find in people closest to you.
This is an indication or symptoms of breast cancer lumps, especially if you have a family history of breast cancer.
Given one cause of the onset of breast cancer is a genetic factor or heredity.
In addition to genetic factors, there are several other factors that cause breast cancer obesity, habitual consumption of alcohol, hormone therapy, exposure to estrogen exposure to radiation.
Breast Cancer Dysnosis
When someone induces breast cancer then there are some things or a series of medical examinations are usually done by doctors, namely:
1. Mammography. Mammography examination is commonly used to detect the presence of cancer
2. Ultrasound. This type of examination is used to ascertain whether the lump in the breast is solid or fluid-filled
3. Biopsy. This examination includes the process of sampling breast cells and test it to determine whether the cells are cancerous. Through this procedure, biopsy samples will also be investigated to determine the type of breast cells affected by cancer, its malignancy and its reaction to hormones.
If the results of a series of medical examinations showed positive breast cancer, then the doctor will perform further examination to determine the extent of breast cancer suffered.
The follow-up examination includes the following:
1. MRI and CT scan.
2. Chest x-rays.
3. Examination of bone to check whether the cancer has spread to the bone.
4. Biopsy of lymph nodes (lymph glands) in the armpit. If cancer spreads, the first lymph nodes to be infected are lymph nodes sentinel.Location varies so it needs to be identified with a combination of radioactive isotopes and blue ink.
A series of tests can determine the extent of breast cancer is whether severe or not and has spread or not (stage).
Here is the classification of malignancy or stage of breast cancer, namely:
1. Stage 1: The tumor size is less than 2 cm. The tumor does not spread to the lymph nodes in the armpits and there are no signs of spread of cancer to other parts of the body.
2. Stage 2: Tumor size 2-5 cm or no spread to lymph nodes, or both. There are no signs that the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
3. Stage 3: Tumor size 2-5 cm. The tumor may be attached to the skin or tissue around the breast. The lymph nodes in the armpit are infected, but there are no signs that the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
4. Stage 4: Tumors of all sizes and already spread to other parts of the body (metastasis).
After doctors know the extent to which breast cancer disease suffered then will perform a variety of treatment diantarnyan measures are: radiation therapy, chemotherapy surgery surgery.
All the treatment is clearly not easy and cheap and can cause various other health disorders
Traditional Breast Cancer Drugs
(Best Solution to Overcome Breast Cancer Without Surgery)
In addition to medical treatment, there is nothing wrong if doing an alternative treatment is to consume traditional medicine made from medicinal plants around us.
Although alternative treatments do not have the greatness or as fast as medically treatment but this way is safer and certainly cheaper.
But even so you do not underestimate the treatment of breast cancer with traditional medicine because the fact that many are helped by this treatment so worth a try.
Even today alternative medicine is chosen because in addition to cheap and safe benefits and benefits of medicinal plants is real usefulness.
Here are some medicinal plants that you can make as a traditional medicine for breast cancer to overcome breast cancer, namely:
1) Soursop Leaf
Traditional Breast Cancer Drugs
The new medicinal plant is popular in overcoming cancer is soursop leaves, it is widely discussed by health experts and various health articles that can easily be found in cyberspace.
The sourness of soursop leaves in treating cancer, is inseparable from the existence of scientific facts based on the results of study and research conducted.
One of the results of a study conducted National Cancer Institute states that soursop leaves have the ability to cope and destroy cancer cells.
It is almost also said by Dr. Jerry Mc Laughlin who conducted a study in 1995 that revealed that in the soursop leaves there are natural compounds that can fight more than 12 kinds of cancer.
The content is in the form: Anopentosin A, Anopentosin B, Anopentosin C, Murikatosin Acetoginin A, Murikatosin B, Murikapentosin, Anomurisin E.
A more remarkable statement issued by the Journal Of Natural Products in 1999 based on the results of a study at the Chatolic Universiity in south korea mentions "inside the soursop leaves there is Graviola that is able to distinguish and destroy colon cancer cells that are 10,000 stronger than Adriamycin and Chemotherapy ".
Scientific reasons that make soursop leaves good breast cancer drug.
2) Mangosteen Skin
treatment of breast cancer
There are many benefits that we can get from mangosteen skin, even the efficacy and benefits of mangosteen skin is now widely known, so do not be surprised if today many health products made from mangosteen leather extract sold in the market.
It all can not be separated from the benefits and benefits of mangosteen skin is amazing in overcoming various diseases one of them cancer.
So it is very appropriate if the mangosteen skin is consumed by cancer patients.
It is based on the results of study and research conducted, one of them by
Dr Agung Endro Nugroho, MSi who concluded that in the mangosteen skin contained 50 xanthone compounds where among the 50 compounds there are compounds that have the ability to inhibit and reduce the proliferation of cancer cells.
The content is in the form of: alpha-mangostin, gamma-mangostin and also garsinon-E.
It is more remarkable expressed by a Japanese scientist named
Yukihiro Akao mentions that alpha-mangostin contained in mangosteen's skin is able to control cancer cells and throw cancer cells by apoptosis or suicide mechanism.
Not only that alpha-mangostin in the skin of mangosteen is also very instrumental in activating the immune system to fight cancer cells that can be used as a breast cancer drug.
3) Red betel leaves
traditional medicine for breast cancer
Furthermore, medicinal plants that can be used as a breast cancer drug is a red betel leaf which almost everyone knows about this plant.
Moreover, it has long been used by our ancestors to overcome various health problems such as: leucorrhea in women, bad breath, taking care of dental health, treat injuries and so on.
But did you know that betel leaf can also cure diseases krnonis caliber cancer, the benefits you can get on the red betel leaf.
Where the results of research conducted revealed that betel leaf contains photocomial compounds in the form of tannins, saponins, flavonoids, and alkaloids that have great potential against cancer.
One of the mechanisms in fighting cancer is to provide cell protection so that the body's DNA does not become damaged and can slowly kill the cancer cells scattered.
In addition, flavonoid substances in red betel are antioxidants that can counteract and clean the cancer-free radicals found in the body.
4) Ganoderma Mushroom
breast cancer drugs
Currently ganoderma mushrooms are widely in the breed because it has the benefits and extraordinary benefits in preventing and treating various diseases of cancer.
At first this fungus is from mainland china better known as Lingzhi.
The results of pharmacologic studies revealed that the lingzhi fungus had a positive effect in the prevention and recovery of cancer patients.
Where immune (immune) cellular and mitogenic reactivity of cancer patients increased, and the quality of life of 65% of patients with lung cancer increased significantly.
Also lingzhi fungus is also very well given to cancer patients who are in the period of chemotherapy or radiotherapy to reduce side effects such as fatigue, loss of appetite, hair loss, bone marrow suppression and infection risk.
Meanwhile, recently conducted research and experiments in Japan that showed that ganoderma fungus in patients with tumors or cancer can suppress the development of cancer cells up to 50%.
This is thanks to the content of polysaccharides in lingzhi mushrooms.
How lingzhi mushroom work in the fight against cancer is by inhibiting the source of cancer food so that cancer cells can not grow and simultaneously stimulate cancer cells to self-destruct (apoptosis).
5) Tread Dara
herbal breast cancer drug
The next crop of cancer drugs is the virgin footprint or which in Latin terms is called Catharanthus roseus.
This plant is believed to have the ability to prevent and cure breast cancer because it contains 2 natural compounds in the form of vinca alkaloids, vincristine and vinblastin.
Both natural compounds are believed to play an active role in inhibiting the development of cancer cells in the body.
6) Keladi Tikus
natural breast cancer drug
Keladi rat is a tuber plant that has Latin name typhonium flagelliforme Rat. In Indonesia alone taro mice have different names such as uneven plants, leaves panta milk, kalamayong, ileus, pangolin mentik and many more.
Many of the benefits we can get from these plants, especially in overcoming cancer.
And here are some substances contained in plant taro rat to overcome cancer, namely:
Ribosome inacting protein or RIP. This substance is useful in preventing the spread of cancer cells. Not only inhibiting and preventing it, a substance known also in ribosome inactivating protein also has the ability to destroy cancer cells in the body without having to damage normal cells in the body.
High antioxidants are also useful in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. Antioxidants produced are antioxidants Useful for preventing gene damage in cancer patients.
Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory agent. In the cure of cancer, this substance is useful to enable the mediator or intermediary. That mediator can stimulate cell strengthening in the immune system so that they can together fight cancer.
7) Blueberries
Bluerberry is one of the world's most highly nutritious fruit, where it is rich in amino acids, folic acid, cellulose, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, SOD, flavonoids, potassium, iron, zinc, manganese and others.
The amount of nutrition contained in it makes bluerberries believed to be able to treat various diseases one of which is breast cancer.
This is not without reason considering bluerberry extract proven to inhibit the speed of cancer cell growth and has the effect to inhibit cancer cell cells.
Meanwhile, according to the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging report, "the anti-oxidant content found in anthocyanin effective blueberries to neutralize free radicals and other harmful elements that become the rest of the body's metabolism to achieve anti-cancer and cancer prevention effects.
8) Gojiberry And Acaiberry
Still from the berry clan, one plant or fruit that can be used as a cancer drug is gojiberry.
Where plants or fruits contain high levels of antioxidants that can boost the immune system and prevent the onset of various diseases one cancer.
This is because gojiberries contain carotenoids consisting of zeaxanthin and precursors capable of fighting cancer cells, fighting tumor growth, decreasing levels of inflammatory cytokines and detoxifying harmful body toxins.
This is supported by the presence of polysaccharide compounds and glikokon that are immunomodulating and anti-tumor that is useful to inhibit tumor growth and merasngsang tumor cells or cancer to commit suicide themselves.
Similar to gojiberries, acaiberries also have a super high antioxidant content which can help fight cancer cells and have anti-tumorigenic properties, called Anthocyanins.
9) Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba is one of the legendary medicinal plants from china where this plant has been for thousands of years used as medicine for various diseases.
One of the benefits of Ginkgo Biloba extract is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, platelet formation and effective reinforcement effect.
Well that's some medicinal plants that you can make as a natural breast cancer drug to help prevent and treat breast cancer.
Many people who have been helped by consuming herbs plant breast cancer so it is worth your try.
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